FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) is the damage caused to an unborn baby’s development due to alcohol consumption in pregnancy or when planning a pregnancy.
The FASD team at OVAHS are responsible for educating the community about the long term effects of alcohol consumption while pregnant. Their primary goal is to promote no alcohol in pregnancy so that we have happy, healthy babies.
They use a flexible and adaptable, non-judgmental approach to communicate with the community.
The team has also helped the Australian Government implement resources for the education of FASD in the following 5 target groups:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are pregnant
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women of childbearing age
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander grandmothers and Aunties
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men
Primary Health Service staff
For individuals, groups or organisations
who require information or would like
education sessions on FASD
please contact 9166 2200 ext 285,
or come into OVAHS medical reception.