Current Vacancies
RN – Midwife
Medical Receptionist
Connected Beginnings Community Connector
RN/AHP – Child Health
Family Support Worker
Elder Care Support Connector
General Practitioner
Note: If there are any issues with the above links, or if there isn’t a link to the job you were searching for above, please contact:
Our team consists of 50+ members of staff and includes Doctors, Clinic Staff, Social Support Unit Staff, Reception and Administration Staff.
Working at OVAHS
The Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service (OVAHS) provides a comprehensive Primary Health Care service to Aboriginal people in the East Kimberley region and surrounding communities in Western Australia.
OVAHS uses a holistic approach that includes:
• A high standard of service delivery • The promotion of social justice • The overcoming of the health issues that affect so many people in the region
Preventative and public health programs include:
• Maternal and Child Health • Women’s Health • Chronic Disease • Sexual Health
OVAHS’ Social Support Unit (SSU), which offers:
• Alcohol and Other Drugs program (AOD) • Social Emotional Well Being program (SEWB) • A Better Life program (ABLe)
including health promotion and education programs in the areas of:
• Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders prevention (FASD)
• Smoking cessation and community education on harmful effects of smoking with the Tackling Indigenous Smoking program (TIS)
• STI Education, Prevention and community engagement with our Syphilis Response Team
OVAHS provides a fulfilling and stimulating work environment in a diverse range of areas for those seeking an exciting career in Indigenous Health.
OVAHS is an organisation that truly values its team, and is committed to improving employee knowledge, skills and experience.
We offer a stable, safe and supportive work environment and can’t wait to hear from you!